Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Do 9-Year-Old Girls Like, Anyway?

Kiddo's Bedroom, Pre-Kiddo
(We're going to pick out her linens, decorative stuff, etc. together)

In preparing for the possible arrival (in the relatively near future) of a 9-year-old girl in my life, I am faced with the realization that I don't know anything about 9-year-old girls. I don't know what size clothing they wear (although I understand that, similar to girls of other ages, they come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes). I don't know what they like to do. I don't know what kind of TV shows they like or the type of music they listened to.

It has been a LONG time since I was 9. When I was 9, my now-25-year-old brother was born, and Donny Coates and I were sneaking around lighting things (mostly firecrackers and bugs) on fire with magnifying glasses (because no one in their right mind would give either of us matches or a lighter). Ronald Reagan was president, the Chernobyl and Challenger Disasters occurred, and Lindsay Lohan and the Olsen twins were born.

***Sidebar: Just typing that made me realize how old I am***

Walking through the aisles at Wal-Mart today, I realized what a gigantic learning curve this whole motherhood thing is going to be. Everything has changed since I was the age of the precious little girl I am praying will become my daughter - the toys, books, and music (the first time I heard Justin Bieber singing, I made a comment about how "awful that girl's voice" was - and was immediately corrected by a Bieber-loving 10-year-old in the car with me) are SO different, and I don't remember little girls dressing like tiny prostitutes when I was a "tween" (seriously - my kid will NOT be wearing booty shorts or midriff-baring shirts or tiny bikinis... what the HECK are parents these days thinking?!?)

But you know what's cool? She and I will figure this all out. Together.

She'll get to teach me all about the things that 9-year-old girls like, and I will get to teach her about being loved and feeling safe. She may end up being the most pink-loving (perish the thought), Justin Bieber-worshipping, meat-eating little girl I've ever met... but she will be my daughter, and we'll work through all that stuff.

But no tiny hooker clothing. That is one battle I WILL win.


  1. One spelling error in the very last sentence you mean tiny not tony. lol

  2. @Carol: Corrected! And thanks for pointing it out. :)
